Wednesday • July 29 Registration begins at noon followed by afternoon sessions and the opening of exhibits. However, the conference officially begins with recognition. The highlight of the first day is the ColorComm Circle Awards. This dinner and awards presentation will spotlight accomplished women who are long overdue for industry and professional recognition. Plus, award winners will be accessible afterwards in the C2 Media Lounge and throughout the conference for networking and knowledge-sharing.
Thursday • July 30 We get down to business in the morning beginning with a not-to-be missed general session followed by breakouts featuring esteemed speakers and panelists who will educate and enlighten. The Lunch and Learn session will keep participants engaged during the midday meal. Following afternoon sessions, the evening features the much-anticipated Theme Dinner with industry experts, influencers and special guests.
Friday • July 31 The day begins with a Power Breakfast followed by impactful morning sessions. All this builds to the ultimate crescendo – our Keynote Luncheon Speaker. Since ColorComm “started with a luncheon and turned into a community,” we are pleased to come full circle and conclude the conference based on our beginnings. This means participants will end on a high note, feeling inspired and empowered.